The model K had its beginnings in 1914. During that year F&J
introduced a new line of 15, 20 and 25hp throttle governed kerosene
engines. The need for large sized kerosene engines had previously
been filled by the adaptation of the Double Efficiency with a special
kerosene burning attachment. The new model K engines were designed
from the start to burn kerosene, naphtha, motor spirits, distillate and
other heavier low grade fuels. At the same time F&J was also
building the hit miss governed N Kerosene engine in sizes 2 1/2 to 12hp.
It was not until the end of 1916 that a smaller lineup of model K
engines became available to replace the N Kerosene.
Based off the still popular model N and having also just
undergone a re-rating the new smaller model K was built in 3, 5, 7, 9 and
12hp sizes. They shared the majority of parts with the model N.
The 3hp received heavier flywheels while all sizes incorporated a new
governor and mixer. Like the previous N Kerosene the model K had a
large mixer that doubled as a starting reservoir and two needle valves.
A different type of air heater was used and the air mixing manifold was
done away with. A new feature added was water injection to help
prevent pre-ignition under load. A few other new features included
the addition of a dashpot to steady the throttle rod, an auxiliary air
intake valve and a dashpot for the intake valve on 9 and 12hp
The new model K was aggressively advertised and became much
more popular than the N Kerosene ever was. Newer designs replaced
the smaller sized model K however the larger engines were still
available - the largest by special order - right up to 1933.
Altogether F&J made 17000 kerosene engines of all sizes with the vast
majority being the model K.

3hp model K engine showing the new mixer and governor dashpot along with
heavier flywheels.

3 and 5hp engines couple be ordered with an optional hand truck.

This head shot shows the revised air heater and water injection feed.

9 and 12hp engines also featured a compression release shown here behind the
ignitor trip.

5-12hp sizes of the model K were available on sawrigs

These massive engines were introduced in 1914. They featured a
vertical governor, fuel pump and came standard with a magneto.

All 3 sizes of the large model K were available as team portable units.

The steady throttling governor made the model K ideal for electric
3-12hp engines could be
equipped with a fuel pump for an outside fuel source. The starting
reservoir now became and overflow mixer and the tank in the base was used
for the supply of gasoline for starting. Of course all engines could
be run on straight gasoline only if desired. Two styles of hopper
covers were also available. One just had a vent for steam to be piped
outside while the second style incorporated a hand hole for easy filling and
checking the water level.